Link to their life.. by being an Adult Mentor

“Linking to the life” of an at-risk or aging-out youth means choosing to be a part of their life.
It means being there if they need advice or a strong shoulder or a patient ear.
It means they have a place to go for the holidays and they have someone to call to share good news.
It means saying they won’t be in this alone.

Imagine being young and alone…

  • On your birthday or a holiday and having no one to enjoy it with.
  • Getting ready for college or a big job interview and having no one to talk you through your nerves and insecurity.
  • Making a mistake with your finances and having no one to help you.
  • Getting married and having no one to celebrate with you.
  • Experiencing a crisis like being sick, having a car accident, or losing a job and having no one to walk with you through it.

All of us have experienced times when we needed help, a time when we needed a shoulder to cry on, a hand to help lift us up, or a cheer when we succeeded. For most of us, this comes from our family. For those who don’t have family, they also don’t have the support, help, and encouragement in the good and bad times of life.

Do you have what it takes to be a Second Shift F.A.M. mentor?

Do you want to make a difference in the world?
Are you a stable, healthy, caring individual or couple over the age of 25?

Are you ready to Link to a Life?

The Steps to Become a Mentor


Fill Out The Form

Complete an interest form to let us know that you would like to link to the life of a young person.


Attend the Event

Attend an Orientation & Training event. Training is offered every month (January – October) more information will be sent to you as classes are open for registration.



All Mentoring individuals and couples are required to complete an application, an interview, a profile letter (to be shared with potential mentees) and allow for a background check.



You will be mutually matched when there is a young adult that fits your profile.



Connect and begin to build a relationship!

STEP six


Continue to learn. You will meet with a Client Care Advocate regularly and will have opportunity to engage in support meetings and continuing education opportunities.

Don’t feel ready to be a mentor?… Click here to learn of other ways to plug in at Second Shift and make a difference!

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Use the form below or call to learn more about opportunities

to make a difference in the life of a young person. 

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